Volunteer for the Vancouver Invitational

Volunteers are still needed for the Vancouver Invitational Wheelchair Rugby Tournament. If you want a front-row seat for the hottest wheelchair sport ticket in town (with the bonus of giving back to the community!), then sign up to be a volunteer. For your trouble, we’ll give you meals during your shift and a great T-shirt.

No experience is necessary and we can use people with a wide variety of skills. Here are the areas we’re currently recruiting for:

Food Services
Table Officials
Information Table
Sound like fun? Sign up by filling of our registration form here.

Register Your Team for the Vancouver Invitational

Vancouver Invitational is now accepting registration from interested club teams. Whether you’re a B team just starting out, or an A team at the top of your game, submit your registration now to take advantage of one of the most exciting wheelchair rugby tournaments in North America. The tournament will be held at the Richmond Olympic Oval from March 15 – 17.

To download a registration form and learn more information about the tournament, click here.

Got questions? Email kevin@bcwheelchairsports.com.